Among the hashtags, crying and novelty American flags, Donald Trump has become the new President of the United States of America- but just who voted for him, and why?

Of all the 120 million people who voted in this election, Trump scored 53% of the male vote. This isn’t really surprising, but the 42% of women who did vote for Trump came to a total shock to the world. Considering the rather outrageous comments he made back in 2005 about women, it just was not conceivable to the experts that this is the result he would get from women. What was expected however were the 8% of black and 29% of the Hispanic votes that he somehow managed to achieve on the day. Analysts have reported that the 29% of Hispanic voters who supported Donald Trump was a small jump from the 27% who voted for the Republican candidate Mitt Romney in 2012, despite Mr Trump’s comments about Mexicans and plans to build a wall on the US’s southern border. Despite there being a clear victory from Trump, there is one question that is on repeat from most of the conservations going on around, and its ‘what does he actually stand for’. Here are some of his basic policies that he has sworn to deliver:

  • Create 25 million new jobs over the next decade by increasing GDP growth
  • Replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
  • Make clean water a high priority. Develop a long-term water infrastructure plan with city, state and federal leaders to upgrade aging water systems.
  • Provide both mental and physical care for veterans and get rid of waiting backlogs.
  • Negotiate fair trade deals that create American jobs, increase American wages, and reduce America’s trade deficit.
  • Add an additional federal investment of $20 billion towards schools and colleges across America.
  • Provide 6 weeks of paid leave to new mothers before returning to work.

Out of all of these, most news outlets are saying that his Veteran and immigration policies are what won him this election. The policies he has to deal with ISIS and terrorism have also been key to him securing the majority.

The fact of the matter is from January the 20th, 2017, Donald J Trump will be president of the United States. He did it with half the amount of donor cash that Clinton had and had the media constantly proposed to him throughout the last 18 months. UK Prime Minister Theresa May said she was “looking forward to working with him, in a strong trade, security and defence partnership” so the UK can start to digest the news of the new president elect without worrying about trade security and relations. It’s been a hectic couple of hours and the frenzy in the media will eventually die down, but until then- the future is very unclear and uncertain for the States.


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